Three People That You Should Buy a Typography Poster For


‘The pen is mightier than the sword’, said Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his 1839 play Cardinal Richelieu. Words, Edward was inferring, are incredibly powerful, and that they can cause more elation and more damage than anything physical ever could.

This may explain why typography posters have become so popular over recent years. Stylised typography prints that are made up of nothing but a combination of letters or numbers are now hung on walls throughout Australia, and the trend is showing no sign of slowing down.

Typography posters allow you to give a gift that is simultaneously mass produced and deeply personal. While you may choose a poster that has sold hundreds of copies, the specific text that you choose will relate to your loved one in a very real way, and it will almost be as though you designed the poster yourself. For that reason, typography prints make for excellent gifts.

So who should you think about buying a typography poster for? In reality, this is a gift that you could give to almost anyone, but there are a few people in your life that may appreciate the thought more than anyone else.


Your Partner

You love your partner deeply, and want to show how much you care on their birthday or your anniversary. And nothing delivers that message of love quite as well as a carefully chosen typography poster.

Whether you go for a loving quote that summarises your relationship, or perhaps a more simple arrangement of your initials, a typography print can make for a beautiful gift that keeps on giving.

Your Best Friend

You and your best friend have no doubt been through a lot together. You’ve probably grown up together, and have a lifetime of memories to look back on. Over the course of your friendship you’ve laughed a million times, and share hundreds of inside jokes. You’ve also shared your innermost secrets with one another, and know each other inside out.

While it may be a challenge to sum up your friendship in just a few letters, choosing a typography poster for your best friend can be a beautiful choice for a gift. Whether you get one that encapsulates your bond, or simply reminds you of a fun time, your best friend is sure to appreciate the thought.

Your Parents

Let’s not forget the people that brought you into this world. Your parents perhaps have the strongest connection with you, having known you since the day you were born. A typography poster can be the perfect medium to say all those things that you’ve never had the words to say; you’re amazing, thank you, and I love you.

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